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cage2 - Guinea Pig Cages

The revamped cage. Since we are adding a second girl, we made the second level L shaped. I also added felt to the stairs to provide traction to racing pigs.
Yes, there are holes drilled in the pencil boxes and then cable ties hold them together. The entire staircase is cable tied to the grid on the second level. It is very stable and the girls race up and down them.
I hope to make mine just like this. Great idea! Where did you get the half grids? looks great!
i made 1/2 grids too. you just have to cut them in half. actually they're not quite halves. you cut out the horizontal bar between the two middle vertical bars. the - in |-|.
i love your cage but i noticed that you dont have a support for the top level my mom thinks that you have to but wont the conecters keep it from bowing
i love the ramp-staircase. its so cute and so creative. but yeah, you might want to put a water bottle on the bottom level too. ?
I like the water bottle on the top it encourages them to go up and down, and it is very good exercise!!!!!

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