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cage - Guinea Pig Cages

The new layout. I'd just cleaned the cage when I took this pic. The floral fabric hanging down is a pillow case I used to hide the litter tray (since it's not very nice to look at lol).
the ramp may need something as a rail on the side, to prevent them from falling, because it looks a bit steep. Otherwise; great!
I'd move the couch to the other side to give them room to actually get up on the landing. And like stated something for the ramp sides
They haven't fallen off so far, and it looks a lot steeper than it actually is. And as for moving the couch, they have enough room to walk by it. But most of the time they climb onto it and get by that way.
From a home/utillities store not too far from me. Only cost me £4.99! The piggies love it. :D
I hope you don't mind but I used this cage design for my piggies as well! I was trying for a new idea and came across your cage. Lol! Love it!!!!!

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