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Cage Re-model

Cage Re-model - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is our current cage configuration, it is two separate 2x4 grid cages stacked together.

You can see the doors on the bottom level, I also cut a flap in the coroplast for easier access, and cleaning.

I snapped this picture as I was about to clean it so the pigs are not in it, they were having
Thanks Wicked, yes it's quite stable, I drag it around quite a bit to vacuum and clean up, and it's easily moved!
hey, that looks like what I want to do if I wind up adopting more pigs. How hard is it to clean? And how hard is it to reach in and pick up the piggies living on the bottom level? (Mine are still young and like to zoom around when it's time for floor or lap time!)
Oh, that's lovely. I need to redo my cages as I'm getting two more boars, and I think that's a nice build for the separate boar/sow cages. Thank you for saving me from my lack of creativity!
I liked that cage, and oh how I miss not having carpet everywhere. In response to Ziggy's comment, the cage was pulled out quite a bit because I was cleaning. It's location was against the wall, away from the windows. I vented the AC output upwards so it didn't blow towards the pigs at all. Sadly this cage is no more...but I did like it!

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