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Cage just after completion

Cage just after completion - Guinea Pig Cages

This my cage just after it was completed, any comments greatly appreciated!!!!
Nice size! Much larger then mine :( But instead of newspaper maybe you should use an actual bedding? Say fleece, or carefresh or shavings?
As i said this photo was taken only just after completion it has changed alot now, i now use shavings ion a kitchen area, and in some of the bed areas i don't actually found they are that great though, i preferjust using newspaper to be honest!!
nice size! maybe you can use shavings like I use. cause when i use news paper my little piggie just makes a whole mess of it! But the cage is really good! I like it!
yeh thanks alot my two piggies absoloutly love it!!We have got laods more toys now, and now use shavings in the bedding area which is where they pee most! Thanks for the comments! Also i now have a cuddle cup, which they adore!
Thats a wonderful cage, I love the idea of covering the hay corner with a towel under the connectors. 3x4s are great!
Yeah I love the amount of space it gives you. And they really appreciate the little cover, I think it makes them fell more safe.

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