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Cage for my chinchillas

Cage for my chinchillas - Guinea Pig Cages

My chinchillas, Buster and Jelly Bean, live in this cage, which was built by my dad. You can't tell from the picture, but the very bottom slab of wood unhinges from the inside to allow the litter pan to be removed. The shelves in there are all wood, so the chins can safely chew them, and they are
My chins do love their cage. :) They are very friendly, but not in the same way that guinea pigs are. Chins are very curious animals, so when they are out of their cage, they do not like to be held and confined. If you only have one chin, then they can get pretty attached to you, but if you have 2 chins together, they get more attached to each other. They make fabulous pets, though ... no odor, no noise, very easy clean up.
Susan, how is it that your Chins DON'T smell? We have two female Chins, about 9 months old, and they smell pretty bad. Cage is cleaned twice a week, we have a slide-out tray sorta set-up and use newspaper for bedding. They are fed Tradition feed and Oxbow timothy hay..a very good diet. Cage is about half the size of yours (I don't really like it, it's from Martin's Cages, Inc. and it's large but a pain to clean and all of the floors are wire. We are considering putting wood over some of the wire..would linoleum work? Is it toxic if they chew it? I don't want their feet to get sore..Only had them for about 3 months so far. Unfortunately one was brought home sick..:()
Anyway, if you could please email me at [email protected] with some suggestions, it would be very appreciated. We have a good 15+ years left with these guys and I just think we could do better. Not asking for critcism, just some pointers. Thanks!

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