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cage featuring new hay area!

cage featuring new hay area! - Guinea Pig Cages

This pic. shows the (somewhat bare looking) cage - minus hideys,cushions,food and of-course, piggies! It does however show the new hay area to the left which takes up half of the 2 x 3 part of the loft. The cage looks quite different with it's new kitchen area!
Wow! I love your new set up - the hay area looks like pure piggy delight!

I love the froggie!? fleece!
I bet your piggy's just love you to death! That is a cool cage. My pigs would be in heaven with all of that timothy hay!
I have four girls in this cage, though I suppose you could 'fit' 8 fairly comfortably. Two of my girls were rescued from horrendous circumstances, where over 60 pigs were kept in a cage roughly the size of the base of this one...

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