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Cage Alterations

Cage Alterations - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Charlie Tuppence's cage after a few alterations. The ramp was at the front of the cage before, so it has now been moved to the back. The pigs have to jump up onto the 'third' penthouse level(theres a piggy up there in the pic) to get to the l-shaped cosy section on the right. We are even
Yes, I just used carpet. I hoover it every day with the hand held hoover, and then with the big vacuum cleaner I do it really thoroughly once a week. That gets all the hairs off. And they don't tend to pee on it so I don't have to worry about that.
Indeed it is my dear old Charlie boy. This was in my old cage, before it was redesigned and made up using the new grids.
That is a pretty awesome cage, I have a question though. I tried using newspaper as a bedding in my pigs litter box but the pee didn't get soaked up. I just put a whole newspaper in there, any idea why it didn't work for me?

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