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Bunny Cage

Bunny Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is our mini lop (PoGo and mini rex's (Pogy) new cage. Please read carefully, I will be adding ramps, hammocks and all theat other stuff. This is the bare bones cage. New pics as I go along to follow. Took a few hours to put together by myself anfd there are 2 large ledges there for them. The bo
Before anyone asks, the cubes are from Target, 23 to a pack. I use 3 packs, minus 7 cubes give or take. The cubes were $14.99 a pack. Best value for this area. Not totally easy to clean, but I wanted the bunnies to have a nice big home and the best of care. I will be getting another bunny in a few weeks. A blue/silver mini rex. Another female. (my two are females) I have to make hammocks tonight (yes, my bunnies use hammocks, will fight over one or sleep in it together, lol) My son Develin is having a fit for hammocks to be in the cage. I guess it is more of a bunny mansion than a bunny cage, lol. I might add more later on. They are pretty much litterbox trained. The carpet was $5 new at Big Lots. Hope this answers any questions. Will put more pics on later.
This is huge and amazing! You are going to have a VERY lucky bunny! I can't get over how big it is! There is going to be SO much space for them to run aruond in! WELL DONE!
Thank you. I want them to be happy and they have spent a couple of weeks in a so called ferret/chinchilla cage. I would put them in my big playpen for the pet in the living room and it was bunny races and bunny ballet.
Hi, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the cage when it's done. I have a mini holland lop too. I've started collecting my supplies in March 2007. You got a great deal on those cubes. . here in Canada I could only find 13/package and I paid 20 $ Canadian. Keep up the great work.
Lol that made me giggle so hard when I saw him in there! xD Is that going to be your only access point besides on the top level? I'm curious as to how your going to reach up there and clean the whole thing lol. I'd never be able to catch a rabbit with only a 1 cube wide access point. >_<
I have the bottom access point and there is a place on top. I can get into the cage thru the bottom square opening to clean the bottom and middle. I have my bunnies trained to come when called (I make smooching noises and they come running) It helps to not have to catch them. They come to me, though I have a flemish giant named Puppy that will play tag sometimes rather than goto her cage, lol.They use a litterbox for the most part and for some reason they dont poop on the middle or top level at all. They use the 'downstairs' bathroom.
Wow you have a flemmish? I always wanted a free range flemmish but my parents said it would eat our cat! Haha just kidding. lol
Wow, I just can't get over this cage! It's gigantic!
Actually, I have two flemish giants. Puppy and Pez. They are very sweet and gentle. They wear collars with bells on them in case they want to play hide and go seek. They are very laid back and will ride in the passenger seat of my truck without hopping off. Occasionally they will come to the driver side to give a kiss on my arm, but they are lashed to the seatbelt so they cant get far. They get along with my other pets, even rescue pups I take in. I love their personalities and they are very smart.
I was wondering if I could get that time out space for my kids when they get wild. It's big enough you can go inside when it's cleaning time and reach everything.

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