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Bunny´s cage

Bunny´s cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Can everyone please stop beating up on marsu?? It's a tiny bunny, and this cage is still WAY bigger than pet store cages! Plus, I'm sure the bunny is getting lots of out-of-cage time since it's clearly litter trained!
It does look at bit on the small side.... But is really great anyway. That pig is obviously well looked after! Well done and like I've said before, Don't listen to NEGATIVITY!
It does look at bit on the small side.... But is really great anyway. That pig is obviously well looked after! Well done and like I've said before, Don't listen to NEGATIVITY!
I understand it's a small bun, but, if you can't let bunny out for any length of time, it's too small. Still bigger than a store bought cage. Just add one more grid and make it a 3 x 2 maybe add a level for a different view. It's very changable since they are grids.

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