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Bunny´s cage

Bunny´s cage - Guinea Pig Cages

.your bunny would be much happier in a larger cage and get s/he a bigger water bottle maybe
I'm confused. Some people say a 3x2 is plenty and then some say it is way too small!! I'm buying a Jersey Wooly, which only get like 3lbs and under, and I thought that would be enough if it was getting a lot of out-of-cage floor time. Am I completely wrong?
I have always made my NIC condos 2x3, and 2 grids tall. That's certainly large enough for a Jersey Wooly -- my 7-lb. mini-lop always seemed to do just fine! They love hanging out on the shelf, and as long as he's getting plenty of playtime outside the condo, it should be fine. It certainly meets HRS standards.
looks fie to me i have a small cage for my bunny but she only sleeps in it as i got a ramp to her cage so she can run all over the garden in the day but i lock her up at night and it looks great to me
I think it's a fine cage. mine is 2x3 but has another level to it and I just helped my neighbor build one with my left over grids the size as yours, it's bigger then the pet store ones which is what most people seem to use anyways and he is a small bun, I think he has plenty of room. He can stretch and stand up and it is more then 3 times his length by the looks of it...meaning he is a happy camper :p Good job!!!

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