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Bunkbed - Guinea Pig Cages

Okay, I'm horrible at instructions, so if somebody can figure out how to make this by the picture and post the instructions for me that would be great. My piggies love it.
Right now Jewel is by herself in quarantine. This bed is a little bit light and she just fits on the bottom. I have to make her a bigger one by copying this design (it was store bought, as a kids doll bed). So right now she doesn't go on the top bunk, as I am afraid it will tip over. Obviously improvements need to made, and I will keep you posted for when I make a larger one that both my piggies can use.
Update, Jewel can JUMP onto the top bunk. I have her in a huge storage bin with no lid right now as she is quarantine (I know, thats bad but it is only for a few more days!) and when I turned around and saw she had jumped up on the top bunk I realized from the top bunk she could probably jump out of the bin, so I had to remove it. I also have to make some adjustments to the new cage plan, she is a sneaky little dare-devil girl!
woah that is cool! but how do the guinea pigs get to the top of it? Do you have a ramp for them??
Awesome but what is the legs made out of? I could put that in his cage by the island. I can buy more island too from a local petstore, that I don't like.

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