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Bridget's side

Bridget's side - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the other half of the split cage. Bridget lives here, you can see part of Felix's cage to the bottom left.
Looks good. Two questions though, what kind of bedding is that? Also is there a ramp up to the loft?
OMG! You use CareFRESH Ultra! That must be expensive on upkeep. It looks great though! Two thumbs up!
Well that answered my question. It looks really nice and fluffy! I also saw how that ramp is on another pic...it is awesome!!!!
Yes it is Carefresh Ultra, it makes the cage so much brighter! It's just a couple dollars more per 50L package vs regular carefresh, so not too bad.
Yeah it looks great! I love using the ultra verses the regular carefesh. It's gotten kind of expensive for me...so I mix in some aspen bedding. It still looks pretty nice but I don't have to use so much carefresh.

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