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Boys new cage

Boys new cage - Guinea Pig Cages

The boys cage are right above the girls. They are in a 2x5 cage size and I might add another 2x2 next to it to make it abit bigger for them.
I will be as soon as I get new crates then I will add a 2x4 right next to the back end there. i might be adopting 2 boars anyways.
I love this cage also. Great job.Your piggies are soo spoiled. CAn I rent out a space?
Good news everyone. I was able to find 2 more cubes that I need to expand the boys cage. I gave them another 2x2 added on at then end of the 2x5. They are in a L shape. 2x5x2x4. They all love it now and they are able to move around better and have more hay there too. Ill have pics up either tonight or tomorrow.

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