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Bedded kitchen haystack loft area!

Bedded kitchen haystack loft area! - Guinea Pig Cages

Here is the bedded area of my otherwise fleeced cage. The 4 Ms like to eat hay, and generally lounge about up here!
Yup - it is called Megazorb - it is manufactured as a horse bedding, something similar to carefresh, though the pieces are much smaller. It comes in huge horse-sized sacks, and works out infinitely cheaper too!

The shredded paper gets cleaned out daily. My girls love scampering through it, and (as you can see) coorying down in it. It prevents the megazorb being carried around the rest of the cage quite as much - and with regular cleaning does a good job of keeping the megazorb clean, and therefore odour down.
Very cute but y arent they doing what guinea pigs love being outside on the grass (in a run) enjoying the sunshine

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