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Basil and Gizmo's cage - left side.

Basil and Gizmo's cage - left side. - Guinea Pig Cages

hiya loverly cage where did you get the grinds ..where wuld i find thm i ask a petstore staff and they said they have never heard of them ?
i wuld be greatful to kno !
Hi there, where about are you?

Are you in the uk?

If so then i can give you some information on where to get them cheap.

i live in the uk and was wondering where to find them cheap as it is sooo difficult to find any cheap ones! :)
although the cheapest in uk i found was £22 17 pannels?
That is an amazing cage!

@ pocoyo: I'm also from the U.K and the cheapest grids I found were £13 pounds for 16 grids. Would love to know it if you know where I could get them cheaper than that?

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