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Another cage redesign

Another cage redesign - Guinea Pig Cages

2x4 on top of table, another 2x4 below but on shelves so they aren't sitting on the concrete slab.
Cleaning the bottom is actually easier than the top. The bottom cage has door that swing open so I can get my shopvac right in there and get to it. The top one seems harder because the hose on my shopvac isn't very long so I have to put it on my desk chair for extra height. BTW, I bed on fleece, that's why I am using a vac.
I vac the poops daily with the shopvac. I change the whole cage out about 4 - 5 days. I don't think it's all that smelly. I made cage pads that are fleece with cotton batting and then either another layer of fleece or flannel. I don't really notice the smell unless it's cage cleaning day. I also made some smaller pads that go in their potty/sleeping spots and change those out more frequently. Those smaller pads help keep the smell down. I also have some litter boxes filled with bedding for the piggies that like to keep the mess in the back corners. I currently only have 2 piggies that use them all the time. My 2 sows are very clean and keep their mess contained. The 6 boys just go where ever and when ever they see fit.

I also babysit full time in my home and the cages are kept in my living room where the parent's come in. I have asked if they smell anything and they have all always told me no. I think they would be honest so I try to rely on them to let me know if they can smell my pets.

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