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altered cage

altered cage - Guinea Pig Cages

I removed one of the ramps, as it was making cleaning out a bit of a pain. The pigs don't really seem to have noticed the change - but it gives them more exercise as they have to run the full length of the cage to get up/down!
Thanks! Was a bit worried they'd miss their other ramp - but it doesn't seem to concern them atall! (and they get more excercise running back and forth to the original ramp!)
I really love your cage design, a real original! I wish I had the time and energy to make and keep up something like that! I can just picture the pigs eating in their 2x3 then running down the cage down the ramp and popcorning into a cozy. =]

I bet they are very happy!
that is a realy nice cage. your cavies will get good exercize runing to get up and down
I love this cage! I want to expand our 2x4 into a "resort" cage like this, but my daughter wants the boys in her room, so we don't have the room in there.
I love your cage. If I would have cage this big, I would probably just sit in the cage and look at piggies :D

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