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62''x26'' cage made from wood/mesh and coroplast

62''x26'' cage made from wood/mesh and coroplast - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the cage I have made for my 2 piggies, on the left is a kitchen loft are and the far end has a corner shelf with fleece mattress.
This is really clean, and VERY creative! Well done. I really like the cover over the cage! Amazing work!
Its nearly the same size as a 2x4 grid, its 5inches longer but 1 inch shorter on depth. I havent stopped since the weekend!!! !st the cage then making the cuddle cup and padded futon cover and shelf cover! I really hope they like it.
Cool! I have the regular bedding but I was curious on getting Fleece flooring... how do you clean it? Washer? Is it easier to upkeep? Thanks im curious.
How did you make your wee cuddle cup in the corner ? Can you private message me instructions please ?

Thanks !

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