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4 level cage

4 level cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Charlie, Tuppence and Lottie's 4 level cage. Charlie and Tuppy have the bottom 2 levels, while Lottie has the top 2.

If the three of them get on at some point in the future, all we need to do is remove one grid to allow access to all the level for the piggies. There will probably be four p
I know i've already commented on this truly amazing picture, but I think you are a wonderful piggy owner, I would love to be your pigs! :)
Aw, thanks! The cage has changed slightly as I ran out of places to put their stuff, so I converted the bottom level to storage.
Such a great cage! Good job. I can see with your pictures you really love your pigs! I sure wish my girls weren't so stubborn and would use a ramp. =/
How do you support the upper two levels right above the front cage door on the bottom two levels? Is it fine supporting itself, or does it need extra strength?

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