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4 level cage

4 level cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is Charlie, Tuppence and Lottie's 4 level cage. Charlie and Tuppy have the bottom 2 levels, while Lottie has the top 2.

If the three of them get on at some point in the future, all we need to do is remove one grid to allow access to all the level for the piggies. There will probably be four p
That's AMAZING!!!! And you only have 3 pigs, Charlie-Parsley, Tuppence-Poppy, and Lottie-Primrose??? I love the framed pictures, and does that black oval thing on the front of the cage say anything??!!!
Thanks, again i love your cage! :)
Yes...although at the moment they are separated - Lottie is living in the 2 levels above Charlie + Tuppence until they get on; when this happens they will have the 4 levels all to themselves, and also Lottie will have another friend by then.

EDIT: Now all 3 pigs are getting on, they all share the 4 levels! It is so much easier to clean, they don't make such a mess on each level now! The top 2 levels are still like a tray - basically it is 2 cages on top of each other (attached, of course), so that whenever I move house, all that is necessary is to clip the cable ties which hold them together.
That is insane! I have no words! I do have a question, are your pigs litter trained, and what are you using for the bedding or to line the cage? Ok so thats more than one question. I really love this setup, well done!
My pigs aren't very well litter trained, so the carpet in each level gets a good clean every few months. I hoover their whole house out each day, so the poops aren't a problem. The pee has stained the carpet a bit though, so it gets shampooed regularly!!

On the ground floor, I use newspaper then towels. I have a stretch of carpet along the front which they tend not to pee on. When I've got them, I'll use puppy pads too. For their toilets, I use CareFresh.

Thanks for the comments :)
i love that cage i have been looking for some ideas and yours is one of my top 5, all your cage's are great!
Thanks everyone! Sorry I didn't read all of your post the first time round, harrison - the black oval thing is a sign which says "Beware of the Guinea Pig".

There are 4 pigs living in there now - little Jazzie arrived in July 05.

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