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3x4 with loft

3x4 with loft - Guinea Pig Cages

Ya, its alot smaller than all the before ones, but we're trying to sell the house and the old cage took up half my room so my room seemed tiny, when its not. So here's the new design. Its still plenty big, just not like before. I also got new fleece, it was on sale and cost me $10.51 in all-taxes an
Cute fleece. The old cage was huge and amazing, but this one still has plenty of room for Chewie and Charlie.
This cage was largely the inspiration for our new cage. I used shelving instead of the cubes, as I like the look better. It's 3' by 5' with a 1' by 5' loft. They love it too!

Great looking cage and thanks for the inspiration!
Awesomeness :D How many panels is that, I think I counted 27 + maybe 2 more?? Just guessing but I really like it. And that fleece is awesome!! Of course I'm a little bias as my favorite color is red XD
I got it at a Hancock Fabric's https://www.hancockfabrics.com/Glacier-Large-Paw-Print-Red-and-Black-Fleece-Fabric-Prints_stcVVproductId50194136VVcatId539020VVviewprod.htm

It says $8.99 on the site, but I got it in the store during a huge sale and it was like $4.99.

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