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3-story pigger condo

3-story pigger condo - Guinea Pig Cages

The bottom level (2x4) is used by Frank & Buster. They have a ramp to their loft, which runs most of one side and leads to the top of a pigloo where they love to sleep.
The top 2 levels are Scooby & Shaggy's split level "2x4". There are a couple of ramps and shelves that lead f
Wow! Very nice cage! Your piggers must love it! How long did it take for you to complete the project?
Thanks! Well, this latest update, which included adding the top and remodeling the middle level, took me 4+ hours, almost as long as the original build. I took my time so that I wouldn't goof up, plus I ran into a couple of small problems. Sure worth it though! My mom and hubby took the kids so I could concentrate on building it.

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