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3 Story cage

3 Story cage - Guinea Pig Cages

Sorry, this is my first rate on cages. I think this cage is awesome! I have one boar and I am getting two adopted boars Friday, How do you open the levels to clean each one? Do you have the front where it opens up to slide out the coroplast? Anyway, great cage, you get a 10!
All three levels have front side opening.
That makes supports too weak. So I reinforced with 2" plastic plumbing pipes.

It's not the best design, especially for cleaning. Many design defects make me sad. I am laboring my brain very hard at this point. When I have some result, I will post it again.

This is great! I hope you get your cleaning issues resolved without have to change too much about it, because it is a great design!
Wiggley_narco: The issue has been completely solved! I have new design on the gallery. (And description on cage ideas forum)

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