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2X5 Cage with 2nd Level

2X5 Cage with 2nd Level - Guinea Pig Cages

Spoiled rotten piggies! LOL. The stand of this cage is made of cubes. The bottom level is 2X5 with a panel that support the upstairs AND creates a niffy running track sort of thing. The piggies love running in circles around it. The upstair is 3 square feet and "L" shaped. The Hay racks ar
Just 2 piggies :heart: My baby girl BB (Peruvian, Bold & Beautiful) and Tex (Fixed Texel Boar). Spoiled rotten@! They also have an elaborite outside grazing pin for when we are out relaxing in the sun.
It is 2 grids bent in an "L" shape. Then we put carpet on it for grip held with twisty ties.

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