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2x4 - 3 levels tall

2x4 - 3 levels tall - Guinea Pig Cages

My newest cage design. So much more room
Do your piggies poo on the material in their cage? I just built mine a couple of days ago and I'm looking for ideas. My male is litter trained but the female just goes everywhere. Got any suggestions?
I really like this cage and the idea is being borrowed for mine. I love all the different colours.
I sooo wish I could get that rainbow fleece. over here Fleece is limited to Baby patterns or pale pale purples pinks or the ever useful white.
Your cage is way cool
Glad everyone enjoy's my cage design. I do as well and the girls LOVE running all over the different levels constantly. They definatly get alot of excersize.

Builders beware: Cleaning the bottom level and changing the fleece/towels/newspaper can be kinda a pain.

Im definatly goin to be building a 2 level cage again here as soon as I can free up some room. Probably going to go to a 2x6 with a good sized second floor too. I just hope my girls dont miss there various floors.

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