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12-17_13 - Guinea Pig Cages

Side view of my cage. THe division isn't in yet.
The cage is a great size and it looks fabulous! My only suggestion is to take away some of the hideyhouses so that the pigs have some more lap space. It really looks great though!

Pigs poop alot. Maybe Dag just didn't spot clean before taking this picture.. So I don't see why you gave her a one?

Dag: I love your cage! I'm bag to pine shavings, but I LOVE fleece :)

Good job!
Macayle-If you don't like it, don't look at it or use the layout . A 3x5 is more than big enough for my five guinea pigs, They don't think its too crowded or dirty. I care more what they think about the cage then you do.

LuvMyPiggers thanks for sticking up for my 'dirty' cage.

Guinea Gal My guys are lazy old farts and prefer having hidey houses than room to run.

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