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100_0292 - Guinea Pig Cages

Another View of our 3 story cage.
looks like you may need some support in the center for those extra levels! just so it doesnt sag so much or even come loose/break! you wouldn't want any piggies getting hurt!!
There were the big dowel rods going through from one side to the other for support and I had the camera a little crooked when I took that pic. I really need to update because my cage hasn't looked like that for a while. I will also be redoing the cages again in the next few weeks. There were only two piggies in that cage. I now have 7 females and will be adopting one more female and possibly a neutered male in the next month. I have two 2x6 cages now. One cage has 4 girls and the other cage has 3 girls. I am also using towels and fleece now for bedding and I love it...so much cheaper than aspen and carefresh.

Jenna and Olive are so little in this pic, my how they have grown!

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