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05feb25 - Guinea Pig Cages

I expanded the cage from 4x4 to 5x4. The fleece does appear to smell less intense after the expansion.
Awesome cage! Love it! Do you have 4 or 5 girls? Where did you get those grids?
How is the fleece working for you? I'm just about to start using fleece.
I have 5 girls. When I first started using fleece, the cage smelled so terribly after just a few hours. My mom started lighting candles and putting those airfreshener plugs around the house to make the smell less intense. After a few changes of fleece now, it still smells..not as terribly but still smells bad very quickly. I don't really like it because of the smell..I just don't know how to get rid of it (other than changing the fleece like everyday, which I am not going to). But the pigs seem to love it so I'll have to make it work.
it turns out that the fleece isn't working...the smell is too much...i had to swtich back to shavings....that's too bad because my pigs all loved fleece...

I cut my big piece of fleece into smaller pieces and just layer them on top of the shavings, and throw them out when i change my shavings..
With fleece, you should put towels underneath and everything usually needs to be changed & laundered every day (MAYBE every other day, but that's usually stretching it). It's best to have 2 or 3 changes of bedding
Yeah that is huge. Wish I could build one that big right now. It also looks so cozy.
WOW, my piggies are wanting your address....Just a suggestion on the fleece. You might try putting a corner litter pan ( or two) filled with hay in the corner just to try for a few days. I have 6 piggies and they love to lay in it and use it as a litter box. It might help keep down the smell. They don't use it all the time but most of the time and I just empty and clean out the litter pan twice a day! Beautiful cage, you've inspired me to go wider!
... I stopped using fleece too! ^__^; Apparently, what I've figured out is that with larger cages fleece sucks. I used fleece on a smaller cage though and it was great.
How many bags of bedding do you go through with one changing, or do you go through a whole bag? With my new cage I go through a whole 9.5 cubic feet kiln dried pine bag.. Which sucks but lasts 2-3 weeks. How long does your bedding last you ?

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