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New piggie mom


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 3, 2010
Jan 3, 2010
After careful consideration, my husband and I finally decided that my daughters could have a pet. I had initially wanted a guinea pig, but hubby didn't want anything that could poop in the house (as if he would ever even think about cleaning the cage!) Well, our landlord put the kibosh on a dog, so a guinea pig it was!

We decided to give the girls the news on Christmas. Didn't want them to not be able to choose their new friend. They were quite distressed when they could not just go to the petstore to buy a new piggie, but after much, much, discussion, I convinced them that rescuing was the way to go.

We got our gorgeous (but very large) boy on Saturday. We spent the entire week leading up to the adoption getting ready. (sorry, went to petstore for supplies but won't anymore) We built a C&C cage, which I already feel is too small. I've never had any kind of small pet before, only cats. So didn't want to adopt more than one, but I already feel that Felix, our red-haired abby would like a companion.

I've already learned so much just from prowling these forums. Thank you in advance for all the useful info here!

Slowly but surely, Felix is starting to warm up to us. He's still very shy and although good at being held, likes to bolt and it makes the girls very sad. I'm very glad we waited (girls are 6 and 9) before adopting because the 6 year old wants to just jump in and love him and I have to explain to her that he needs time to "adjust".

sorry this intro is so long! I'll leave it at this and a picture of our lovely boy!

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