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Ratties Tumors


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 24, 2007
Nov 24, 2007
My oldest rat (the mother of all my others) just started developing 2 mammary tumors. :sorry: I don't know what to do other than go to the vet to get them removed. Has anybody else dealt with this kind of situation??

Rattie Mom

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 29, 2007
Nov 29, 2007
Sadly, tumors are way too common in rats. Especially females. The percentage of females rats who develop tumors is a staggering 85%!

Spaying females young (4 months old) is about the only way to reduce that percentage. But thankfully, it's a huge reduction. Tumors showing up in spayed females is only about 5%. But the key is to have them spayed young. I've had a few females spayed older (around 8-10 months, after adopting them from rescue) and I've still seen tumors develop (though probably less than if they weren't spayed).

The majority of tumors in females are benign mammary tumors. These generally show up under the arms and along the mammary chain. Some ratties develop only one, while some will just become little tumor factories. :weepy:

Ratties have very special needs for surgery, much like piggies and rabbits. So if you have a rattie knowledgeable exotic vet, that has lots of experience with tumor removals, it's a good decision to have them removed. The key is to have the surgery sooner than later, as it's less stressful for the rattie. Once the tumors are allowed to grow (lets say bigger than a grape in size), the surgery can take longer and become harder on the rattie. Not to mention the fact, that larger tumors will cost more to remove as well.

I've had rats for over 7 years now and our vet has performed many many tumor removals. Tumor removal is a good choice if you have a vet you can trust, the rattie is in good health and not too old. How old is your girl?
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