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The Saga


Cavy Slave
Nov 21, 2006
Nov 21, 2006
This is not because my guinea pigs died, but because I miss them.

For my 10th birthday, my parents bought me a cage. That day we went to pick out my very first pets. I was so excited and couldn't wait until I could choose them :love: When we got to the pet store, I looked at the selection of adorable, docile guinea pigs. I chose a white albino guinea pig, and a tan and grey one with a crown on her head. They were both girls, and I named them Snow and Scooter.

I played with them for hours, and my mom made me wash my hands every time I handled them. My hands were chapped and cracked but I didn't care. A few weeks after I got my Snow and Scooter, I found two surprises - baby guinea pigs. They were obviously Scooter's, because they looked exactly like her, only minurature! Snow was a still a girl:confused: so we figured she was pregnant when we got her. The babies were named Twiddle (for the girl) and Tweedle (for the boy). Everything carried on ok until the time came to give them away.

We gave them to a friend of my dad's from work (and his kids). Tweedle was given to the son's classroom, and Twiddle was given to the girl, and renamed Valentine because she got him on Valentines Day Scooter and I were both very sad, and cherished the memories of the little fuzzballs.

A year later I learned Tweedle had died:weepy: Valentine was still doing well, so I had that to be grateful for. Snow and Scooter were great, and I had almost forgotten how sad I was to give the babies away. And thats when I found out we were moving. We were supposed to leave Calgary, Alberta and move to Winnipeg, Manitoba. I was upset, but was comforted by my pets. And thats when I learned the couldn't come. The altitude would kill them. So I gave them to a teacher at my school, and flew to Winnipeg alone.

After settling in in Winnipeg, my mom said I could get another guinea pig, but only one. We went to the pet store and bought the smallest guinea pig there, almost as small as Twiddle and Tweedle (Snow and Scooter were full grown when I got them). I got a long hair calico guinea pig and named him Isacc . He would crawl up my sleeve and cuddle in the crook of my arm because it was warm. When I introduced him to my friends, we sat in a circle, and I guess he got scared because he turned in a few circles and ran right back to me and jumped in my lap and hid. He grew and grew to be a big, handsom piggy ❤️ And then we moved again. I gave Isacc to my friend on my fastball team, and moved to Ottawa, Ontario alone. Well, almost alone. I had my pictures, and my dog, but I missed the comfort of a calm, cuddly guinea pig. When we settled in, I didn't get another guinea pig, because who knows when we'd be moving again.

I want to thank my guinea pigs for giving me comfort when I moved, and when I was in a new place. Guinea Pigs are the BEST pets anyone could have, and the best friends a person could have. They love unconditionally, and don't need an explanation. Thank- you Snow, Scooter, Twiddle, Tweedle and Isacc for being there for me.

Love Alli
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