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The big picture about guinea pig cages.
Teresa Murphy
1 min read
A Visual Guide This image helps one appreciate comparative sizes for guinea pig cages! Drawn to scale.
Teresa Murphy
3 min read
C&C = The Only Way to Go! C&C (Cubes and Coroplast®) Cages use a fantastic combination of two materials that are accessible in the retail market for creating your own, ""customized-to-your-desire"" guinea pig (or hedgehog or rabbit) cage. You can also purchase a great combination of features...
  • Featured
Teresa Murphy
2 min read
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C&C Stands for Cubes and Coroplast Cubes What Are They? The cubes are usually 14-inch square (35.5 cm), coated-wire grids. The inner squares are 1.375" (3.8 cm). They were originally designed for temporary or inexpensive storage for kids, home, and office use. There are several brands and...
Teresa Murphy
5 min read
About US is about YOU, too. Because it's the grass-roots acceptance of bigger cages for guinea pigs that have helped make the site and the ideas a success over two decades ago. Congratulations to you and please keep up the good work! Guinea pigs everywhere are thankful. Teresa Murphy, Founder...
Teresa Murphy
3 min read
Bigger is Better! For the health and well-being of your guinea pigs, provide as large a living area as you can manage. Cubes and Coroplast (C&C) cages are an easy and inexpensive alternative to the small cages found at pet stores and online. Follow the recommended cage size standards of 10.5...
Teresa Murphy
2 min read
C&C Cages for Other Pets The idea for C&C cages came largely from the rabbit world. Back in the late 1990's, the progressive and caring rabbit people had to come up with ideas for creating bigger cages long before the guinea pig enthusiasts caught on. It's so much more obvious that rabbits need...